In the way of evolution, the Human get expert in harming nature and killing animals and become the best parasite on the Earth.

Human kill millions of animals per year for their food, fun, medicines and body parts. Human kill about 3000 elephants per year 1 Elephant in every 15 mins. that is a brutal face of humans if this continue than these Huge Beautiful creatures will disappear from our Earth very soon not only the Elephants but the Rhinos, Pangolin, Tiger, Lion their list of thousands of big and small creatures are poached to full fill the endless greed of humans.

There were about 13 million elephants were only in Africa in 1900 which were poached so brutally that only 4,15,000 elephants left in Africa and their habitat has declined by 50% since 1979 while Asian Elephant are now restricted to just 15% of their original range. Same thing happened with Rhino there was 1,00,000 rhinoceros which decrease to only 3,890 and a report state that TWO THIRD of the Wildlife of all species going to extinct in the end to next decade.

In India the Asiatic Cheetah, Tiger and Lion were hunted so brutally by British and INDIAN kings in India. Asiatic Cheetah declared extinct in 1952 and they were hunted just for fun but somehow Tiger and Lion escaped from there bullets but still facing danger due to loss of inhabitant which shrinks to 15% of the original habitat. These poaching mentally affecting the Elephants. Elephants changing their routes which they were following from centuries. One Elephant named SATAO who knew poachers wanted his tusk and he use to hide his Tusk whenever he saw any human. But unfortunately we fails to save him and many of them, on 30 May 2014 he was killed by Poacher by a poisoned arrow and he was the largest Elephant with largest tusk of that time.

Now a days poaching become a business in poor country of Africa were poor people poach elephant and rhino for money because their stander of living is very low 42% of Africans have average income is less than 3$ which is very low than global average when they get offered 800$ for the ivory of elephant it become a chance to change their livelihood and give the basic facility to their family and education to their children for their better future. From there point of view that is not wrong at all. We need a better idea and lots of money and some change in law. To stop these poaching, we have to educate to those Educated fools who buy these animal goods.  China become the biggest market for the illegal animal product. Chine is only country in the world who eat Tiger.  

To understand the greed of human let’s take an example of Mines, reason behind closing the mines is because there is no mineral’s left in mine for mining. The same thing we are doing with animals killing them till they extinct. Extension of an animal from the food chain badly effect the ecosystem of the environment.

The incidence of Yellowstone National Park is big example for us, they started killing the Grey Wolf in mid 1920 and finish in 1926. There extermination give birth bunch of serious problems. Due to which the population Elk herds bloomed which leads to over grazing of land and trees such as Willow and Aspen. Due to lack of tress and food the population of famous Songbird also decline there was lack of tinder for making Dams which future lead to soil erosion. After this they realise their mistake after 70 years and finally decided to Reintroduce the Grey wolfs to the Yellowstone National Park in 1997. This record decrease in population of Elk herds in last 20 years but the situation is not 100% normal.

 This is a great example for those who think these animals did not important for our environment. They actually help to maintain the ecological balance unlike Human. We have to understand their importance that they also matter for our life.

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