After investing about 1 Trillion U.S. DOLLAR and 2,372 military lives U.S. has finally signed peace treaty with TALIBAN and U.S. will withdraw its army from AFGHANISTAN.

How can a country with glorious pastfighting for their experiences?

All it started just after the SAUR REVOLUTION which was supported by U.S.S.R. after that a major social reform were done by the government which was as follow:

·        WOMEN’S RIGHT

  • Equality on the basis of sexes were introduced. Now women get equality in Education, Job, Health care and in Political life also.
  • Wearing BURKA was now not compulsory for women.



  • Modern Scientific Education were introduced by govt. 
  • Boys and Girls study in the subject in same class room.

·        SOCIALISM

  • After coming in power govt. impose SOCIALISM on people of Afghanistan with the help of U.S.S.R.
  • In which land were taken from landlords and equally distributed to peasant after this all the people of Afghanistan has land.


Women equality in ISLAMIC country was a big achievement of the govt. It was just like heaven on Earth. BUT some stereotype men were against the reform and taking of their lands by government as a result they TAKE UP ARMS against govt and called then self Mujahideen and started burning School, Collages and Hospitals. Due to it was the time of COLD WAR and govt. was supported by U.S.S.R. So, it was prime duty of U.S. to support those rebels so U.S. started providing them Arms, Money and Army training with the help of Pakistan. In the starting this protest was people against government.

Now the afghan govt. was not in the condition to fight against those Mujahideen then they called U.S.S.R. for support and U.S.S.R. send its army to Afghanistan in support of Afghan govt. and The SOVIET AFGHAN WAR started and soon it become VIETNAM for Soviet army because it was tough for their army to fight in such a mountainous region there tanks were useless in that terrain. At last U.S.S.R. withdraw its army due to not gaining any success in remort areas.

Here during this war Pakistan started discriminating between extreme radical Muslim and non-extreme rebel and instead of equally distributing between them Pakistan supported extreme and provide more money and arms as compare to non. This leads to conflict between them after Soviat Afghan war civil war between them started due to extreme have much money and arms they completely suppressed them and it leads to birth of a new Terror organisation better known as Al Queda.


 On 9th of Sept. 2001, 4 planes was Hijack by Al Queda; the two plane  American Airline Flight 11 and United Airline Flight 175 were Hijacked from Boston and the first aircraft crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Centre at 08:46 (ET) and the second aircraft crashed into Tower Two (the South Tower) of the World Trade Centre at 09:03(ET).

 The third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defence) in Arlington County, Virginia.

 The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was supposed to crash into the Washington D.C. or may be at THE WHITE HOUSE but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania, after passengers thwarted the hijackers.

2,977 victims along with 19 hijackers were killed and more than 6000 people were Injured. All the plane passanger died in the attack.

This triggered America to attack on Afghanistan. On 7 Oct 2001 US and its Allies invaded Afghanistan and lead to the longest War in American history. And America capture Kabul in just 3 months but it was just a beginning because most of their big leader run toward the remote areas and some took shelter in Pakistan now America has to face the same problem that was faced by U.S.S.R. during Soviet-Afghan War because of the mountainous terrain and help of Pakistan it is almost impossible to defeat Taliban. Taliban started the Gorilla War with America and its allies. Now American army is stuck the similar situation which Soviet army got stuck few decades before.

On 2 May,2011 after the 10 years of 9/11 attack United States Navy SEAL killed Osama Bin Laden the master mind of 9/11 attack. He had taken shelter in Pakistan whom America give Aid to fight against terrorism.

The Irony of this war is America is fighting with those whom did America created. (KARMA HIT BACK) 

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