I haven't seen the world before as it is now. I think that the THANOS  has come  on the Earth in the form of Chinese Virus.

But seriously have  you ever seen the world paused like this . Whole world suddenly awake to fight together . And I haven't seen the world like this not at the time of War Or not on Climate change .

You know why?
because this virus didn't discriminate between rich and poor.

What happens if these virus only kill poor people?  At that time will  the world response in same way ?
I think we all know the answer.

But you know this is the return gift of  our nature to our selfish nature.
After this lock down the water of Rivers are getting clean the air is becoming pure in other words, Our Earth is healing its self.

In recent few decades the carbon dioxide emissions reached to its peak.
The average temperature of Earth increase by 1°C  . The poles  are melting,  The Marine life is badly affected by the acts of human. About 50% of coral reef disappeared in last 30 years.
Most of them reach to the edge of extension. New and more deadly disease are discovered day by day.  It may lead human to that Dooms Day . It may happen with help of Virus or a advanced Artificial intelligence like Ultron.

It is also mentioned in Religious book of Hindu that lord Shiva will destroy the world at the end of Kali yug , the last yug of the four yug or era ( Satya yug , Treta yug, Dvaapar yug and Kali yug which is going on).
Not only in Hindu but in Muslim religious book Quran as the "Qiyamat ke din"

As we know the melting of Glacier has not only increase the sea level but also releasing greenhouse gas in our environment and there is a chance of releasing viruses in our environment.

A study says that deadly Viruses are freeze inside these Glacier and its melting will expose it to our environment which may be more deadly than that of which we are facing or had faced in past years and that may lead to end of mankind .

Then the question arise what is the solution?

And like always there is two way to solve a problem .
First one is to end the problem in direct way. Just similar to THANOS

Second is to reach to root cause of problem and cure it. Just like our hero Tony Stark

Some one has well said "Looking for the solution is the biggest problem "

And when we look towards the solution there is infinite way to solve it just we need is advanced technology with a lot of Idea

Most of the big and developed nation are investing a large amount of money on there military on the name of Defense.  If that money invested on Health , Sustainable development and for new ideas in youth
Or  in Poor nation to free them from the "Sentence of Poverty  ".

I know this is not a easy way but the right one .

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